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Common Questions About Dental Implants.
A dental implant consists of a ceramic or titanium post, a restoration, and an abutment. Dental implants provide a firm foundation for a dental bridge, a full arch prosthesis, or a single dental crown. It is created to work like natural tooth roots.
Dental implants are long-lasting, and at the time, they are the only option for the replacement of teeth permanently. They function like natural teeth because they are surgically inserted into the jawbone.
Since they were introduced, they have had a success rate of over 95%, which is very high. Dental Implants can be even more successful with high-quality materials, surgical technology, and clinical experience. Lastly, their maintenance over the long term is very important.
Right now, there are many candidates. You can qualify to become a candidate after receiving treatments like tooth extraction and bone grafting. Candidacy can be determined more precisely after an elaborative consultation session with the dentist.
Many factors are involved in calculating the total cost of the treatment, including the type of materials used, how long the teeth have been missing and how many teeth are missing, and what other techniques are required. We will help make the treatment affordable for you by applying for dental financing.
Dental implant surgery is precise and efficient because of the advancement in surgical technology. Generally, the surgery is completed in just a few hours, but the time can vary due to some factors. No matter how long it takes, you will not experience discomfort.
The surgery is performed while you are under sedation, so you will not feel discomfort or pain. Many patients do not remember anything.
After the surgery, it is recommended that you rest for some days. You might feel mild discomfort, but it can be treated with over-the-counter medications. Your diet must consist of soft food for a few months following the surgery. Apart from food, you can return to your regular routine after one week.
It can take anywhere from a few months to a year. Soon after your consultation, surgery can be performed to place implants. However, in some cases, patients need bone grafting. The patient must heal after bone grafting before performing implant surgery.
Implants do not require any special maintenance. You only need to floss once every day and brush twice a day.
Yes, book an appointment with your dentist after every six months. Bacteria from plaque can cause peri-implantitis, an infection of the gums.
They are long-lasting if you maintain healthy habits and choose an experienced and skilled implant team.